Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Free RIA training

I normally don't pass on these kinds on things, but this one could be very nice.

The Adobe Enterprise Developer Program is sponsoring a FREE full week RIA training session in San Francisco April 25-29.  They will be presenting an in-depth curriculum including the Flash Builder 4 Crash Course, Data Services Data-Driven Development (that's the stuff I work on!), LiveCycle Collaboration Service, and LiveCycle Mosaic ES2.

This seems like a pretty nice deal and you can't beat the price - FREE!

For more information or to register: http://adobe.ly/eRIASanFran


Steven Erat said...

Sounds great. Would love to attend, but I'll be keep my eyes open for the East Coast venue. Fingers crossed.

Cegonsoft said...

Hi, You are providing a free RIA training, Can you say, how I can get that free training for RIA course..If you send a reply , its very useful for me and my career..

Tom said...

@Cegonsoft - This particular training was back in April. Feel free to check http://www.adobe.com/devnet/aedp.html for more information.