Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The ADEP Post

Readers of this Blog might be interested in The ADEP Post.  This is an aggregating blog which contains items of interest from around the web concerning the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform and the technologies that make it up.

Quoting from the intro:
The ADEP Post is a human-moderated aggregator of the best user assistance content created by the LiveCycle/Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform community. The community at large includes partners, users, customers, and Adobe professionals.
This blog aggregates content relevant to both the LiveCycle Enterprise Suite as well as the recently-released Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform.
Check it out!

Monday, October 10, 2011

ADEP Data Services for Java EE 4.6 released on Adobe Labs

As of Monday, October 4 2011 we have made a preview release of the next version of Data Service available up on Adobe Labs.

Some the sweet goodness in this release include:

Check it out and leave us some feedback on the Labs forums.

MAX 2011 Session available - Whats new in Data Services 4.6

I have (mostly) recovered from another exciting and tiring Adobe MAX, and I see that my session "Whats new in Data Services 4.6 for Java EE" has been posted on Adobe TV.  Since we released our 4.6 Preview release on Monday 3-Oct-2011, everything I talk about in this session is available for download on the Adobe Labs site. Please check it out and give us some feedback.

I had about 60-70 folks in the room and my voice held up pretty well considering I was fighting a killer cough for the entire week.

Lots of other session have been posted as well, check out the Adobe MAX Online site for a complete rundown on the sessions, complete with "Watch Now" buttons for those that have been posted.  I do not believe that you need to have attended MAX to watch any of the sessions.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Brian Kotek on Remoting Call Ordering

Brian Kotek blogged the result of some experimentation he did with Data Services Remoting (aka RPC) calls from Flex to uncover some relevant information on the ordering of calls from the client to the server.

Read about it in his blog post.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Data Services Sessons at MAX 2011

MAX is only 4 weeks away!  This is going to be another great conference, with tons of new stuff in all areas of Adobe, and in particular the Enterprise software space.  Since we have released our new ADEP Experence Server product, there are lots of great sessions to attend to learn all about it.

As for Data Services, make sure you sign up for these sessions:

- Discover What's new in ADEP Experience Services - Data Services with Tom Jordahl: http://t.co/I9sc94l
- Building Enterprise Mobile Applications with ADEP with Mete Atamel and Stacy Young: http://t.co/UKYEaya
- Extending Flex to the Enterprise with Data Services Connectors for .NET and SAP with Matt Butler: http://t.co/xfM0GMS
- Model Driven Development with Flash Builder and ADEP Data Services with Dean Harmon: http://t.co/BSmiKyx

Plus there is going to be our own "ADEP lounge" area for folks to gather, bring questions and problems and generally hang out with the development teams.

See you there!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

LiveCycle Data Services 3.1.1 update released!

We have collected together all of the hotfixes and patches we have made to LCDS 3.1 and released this as LiveCycle Data Services 3.1.1.

You can find this release here.

This release fixes 51 issues on both the client and server.  See the readme.txt file in the zip for details on what those fixes are and how to 'install' the update - basically by replacing swc files in your Flex SDK, and jar files to the WEB-INF/lib of your web applications.

Lots of goodness in here.  The usual caution applies - test your applications before updating production systems.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform (formerly LiveCycle ES) now available

The Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform trial is now available on the ADEP Developer Center: http://adobe.ly/getADEP
What is ADEP you may ask?  Well, its a whole bunch of things.  The part that I work on (and you are probably interested in) is "Experience Services".  This is a whole new architecture based on OSGi that provides a slew of services and solutions for the RIA developer.  Deep at the heart of the "Experience Server" is Data Services.  In particular, ADEP contains Data Services 4.5.  We have plans to release a J2EE version of what will now be named something like "Digital Enterprise Platform - Data Services for JEE" toward the end of this year (2011).  The J2EE (does anyone feel strange leaving out the "2"?  I can't do it!) version will have a slew of new features (i.e. the 4.5 feature set), including support for multiple clients (Java, iOS, HTML5/JS, Android), Managed Remoting, Spring support and a slew of Model Driven development enhancements.
To get the whole explanation, you can attend my Adobe MAX session: Discover What's new in ADEP Experience Services - Data Services.
If you have any questions or comments about the trial, head over to the new dedicated ADEP forum space here: http://adobe.ly/ADEPForums.

Monday, June 13, 2011

AdobeTV - Introduction to Managed Remoting

I recently recorded a preview of an exciting new feature that we are working on for the next release of Data Services on J2EE.

Its called Managed Remoting and  it applies the power of Data Management to the simplicity of Remoting.

Check it out: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/adc-presents/introduction-to-managed-remoting-in-data-services/

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Free RIA training

I normally don't pass on these kinds on things, but this one could be very nice.

The Adobe Enterprise Developer Program is sponsoring a FREE full week RIA training session in San Francisco April 25-29.  They will be presenting an in-depth curriculum including the Flash Builder 4 Crash Course, Data Services Data-Driven Development (that's the stuff I work on!), LiveCycle Collaboration Service, and LiveCycle Mosaic ES2.

This seems like a pretty nice deal and you can't beat the price - FREE!

For more information or to register: http://adobe.ly/eRIASanFran

Friday, January 21, 2011

This space is not intentionally left blank.

The "Internet is written in ink".  This is one of the great lines in "The Social Network", a movie I highly recommend.  As someone said at the Golden Globes, Arron Sorkin made people typing at computers look exciting.  In the spirit of that, I realize that going months between posting on a blog is a sure fire way to ensure no one will read your blog when you DO have something to say, and that the Tom Jordahl "internet brand" will not be maintained at its high level.  :-)

My excuse this time, as it has been before, is I have been heads down making the software.  This time the next major release of LiveCycle Data Services, what we will probably call version 4.5.  Why 4.5 when the last version was 3.1?  Well, because we like confusing folks but mostly because we want to align our version number with Flex in the same way that we align the BlazeDS version numbers already.  So before we had Flex 4/BlazeDS 4.0/ LCDS 3.1.  Some time this year all the numbers will be the same.  So that will be less confusing we hope.

We have some good stuff coming this year, we will continue to build on the Fiber Data Model development paradigm which makes is super simple and fast to define your data model and deploy it to LCDS to get Data Management functionality using Hibernate/JPA persistence without writing any code.  We are expanding the Java and ActionScript code we generate from the data model to give you more control and customization abilities in your applications.  We are expanding the client options to include Java, HTML5 and various mobile platforms.  We have some amazing integration with SAP services.  And I have been working on some real nice enhancements to Flash Remoting to make it simpler to develop applications that use the various features of Data Management without having to change from the RPC-style of thinking.

I hope to be able to post more about these great new features in 2011.