Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The ADEP Post

Readers of this Blog might be interested in The ADEP Post.  This is an aggregating blog which contains items of interest from around the web concerning the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform and the technologies that make it up.

Quoting from the intro:
The ADEP Post is a human-moderated aggregator of the best user assistance content created by the LiveCycle/Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform community. The community at large includes partners, users, customers, and Adobe professionals.
This blog aggregates content relevant to both the LiveCycle Enterprise Suite as well as the recently-released Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform.
Check it out!

Monday, October 10, 2011

ADEP Data Services for Java EE 4.6 released on Adobe Labs

As of Monday, October 4 2011 we have made a preview release of the next version of Data Service available up on Adobe Labs.

Some the sweet goodness in this release include:

Check it out and leave us some feedback on the Labs forums.

MAX 2011 Session available - Whats new in Data Services 4.6

I have (mostly) recovered from another exciting and tiring Adobe MAX, and I see that my session "Whats new in Data Services 4.6 for Java EE" has been posted on Adobe TV.  Since we released our 4.6 Preview release on Monday 3-Oct-2011, everything I talk about in this session is available for download on the Adobe Labs site. Please check it out and give us some feedback.

I had about 60-70 folks in the room and my voice held up pretty well considering I was fighting a killer cough for the entire week.

Lots of other session have been posted as well, check out the Adobe MAX Online site for a complete rundown on the sessions, complete with "Watch Now" buttons for those that have been posted.  I do not believe that you need to have attended MAX to watch any of the sessions.
