Thursday, April 28, 2005

Speaking at CF United

I am going to be speaking at the CF United ( conference at the end of June in Washington DC. This is the conference that used to be called "CFUN" and it is turning in to the largest ColdFusion-only conference in the US.

I will be giving a (new!) Advanced Event Gateway talk, detailing lots more of the 'how it works' information that people have asked for and also going in to more detail on how to write a Java Event Gateway. I tried to keep the required Java knowledge to a minimum, but this is an advanced session...

Here is my session blurb:

I was going to do the (old) Event Gateway session that I have at MAX last year, but that has been turned in to both an article and will soon be published as a Breeze "Macrochat" on DevNet on Monday May 2, 2005. So I was forced to write some new stuff, which should be interesting to the event gateway fans out there (you know who you are).

CF United should be a great time, a good chunk of the team is going, everyone is presenting, and the turnout looks to be almost as good as when Allaire did its ColdFusion DevCons years ago. The CF team has always been a bit disappointed with how MAX doesn't emphasize CF enough, since we feel it has the CF DevCon as its roots, so we are very excited to focus lots of attention on this conference as a platinum sponsor.

See you there!

Event Gateways article

I think I forgot to post my other article on event gateways that can be found on DevNet:

In this article Jim Schley and I talk about the the new ColdFusion MX 7 Event Gateway system and describe how you can take advantage of in in your CFMX7 CFML applications.

Yes, I have been writing a lot of articles lately. :-)

Verity article published

I wrote an article about some of the new Verity features in ColdFusion MX 7 and it has been published on the ColdFusion DevNet site:

I think that there is a lot of good stuff in the current release. I am not sure if enyone really gets the categories idea yet, but I know that pretty soon people will catch on.

Monday, April 04, 2005

I am alive

I know that I haven't posted in a while (4 months!) but things have been busy with the ColdFusion MX 7 (Blackstone) release, travel and vacation.

The CFMX 7 release is going really great. We have been working to identify the critical issues that users are having and to resolve them as quickly as possible. We have said from the start that this is the most user-driven release of CF ever, and we are trying to back that up with as much follow through from the team on the Macromedia forums and CF mailing lists as we possibly can.

We expect to release our first "Cumulative Hotfix" (which is actually #2) in a short while that will address all of the critical bugs that users have discovered in the past 6 weeks or so.

Consuming complex Types with ColdFusion

Doug James and Larry Afrin have posted a great set of notes on how to use ColdFusion MX to consume Web Services that contain complex types as arguments to their operations. This is information that should have been in the documentation from the start, but Doug and Larry went the extra mile to pull it all together.

We plan on publishing this information as a tech note and I have passed it along to our documentation folks to incorporate in to future CF docs as well.